Andrés Felipe Arias is a victim of the political revenge of Juan Manuel Santos The following is the text of...
Andrés Felipe Arias is a victim of the political revenge of Juan Manuel Santos The following is the text of...
Holdovers Will Continue Obama's Agenda until Trump Puts His Foot Down Trump’s new ambassador, Luis Arreaga, arrived in Guatemala on...
Colombia's Weaponized Courts: The DAS Wiretap Scandal That Wasn't The use of false witnesses in Colombia is well-established. A number...
Sovereignty Be Damned: United Nations Shows Its True Colors in Guatemala "From the Soviet Union to Cuba to Venezuela, wherever...
Obama Holdovers, UN Officials Derail the Trump Train in Guatemala To the detriment of Latin America and the United States,...
Trump Sanctions Maduro for What Obama’s Ambassador Does in Guatemala Their desperation arose after the election of Donald Trump. Robinson...
Time To Reverse Obama’s Latin American Policy The Obama administration obtained $750 million from Congress for the Alliance for Prosperity...
Obama’s Footprint Blocks Trump’s Success in Western Hemisphere Under Obama, the US embassy in Guatemala was an outpost of radical...
The Andino Bombing: Colombia’s Politicized Investigation Sacrifices Truth The only certainty in this case is that there has been an...
Senate Must Reign in UN Commission Gone Bad House Resolution on CICIG Conceals the Truth about Guatemala, Aids Violent Leftists...
In Honor of Gen. Harold Bedoya and His Mission Bedoya depicted vividly for his American audience the horrors which Grasso’s...
Atlantic Council Turns Blind Eye to US Support for Criminality in Guatemala The United States cannot help the Northern Triangle...
Petition to Donald Trump: “Do not repatriate 'Simon Trinidad'” If SimónTrinidad is repatriated, he will not serve any jail time...
Journalist in exile needs your help Click Here JOURNALIST IN EXILE NEEDS YOUR HELP Por Lia Fowler When Alejandro...