Quiénes Somos

Periodismo Sin Fronteras es un portal de opinión, con periodismo de investigación que empezó labores en el año 2005 y se lanzó al mundo digital en el año 2009. Nuestra labor en búsqueda de la verdad nos ha ganado ataques del narcoterrorismo, y persecuciones y censura por parte del gobierno colombiano. A pesar de que han intentado exterminar varias veces nuestra labor, hemos sobrevivido y seguimos con nuestra labor.

1. What is PSF?

It is a non-profit organization formed by journalists from the Americas and Europe who fight for freedom of expression and information around the world, defending independent journalism and journalists persecuted in the American hemisphere and in any latitude of the planet. Journalism without Borders rejects violence, persecution and information manipulation, as well as any form of censorship, either directly or covertly. We defend a free journalism, without restrictions of any kind, independent and not submissive with the established power. We believe that journalists should be free men, subject to a code governed by professional ethics and citizens of a free, plural and democratic society. Without democracy and without freedom, there can not be good journalism.

In PSF we believe that Democracy is not only the right to vote, but a system of values and principles that implies respect for the other, information freedom, a power exercised from the control of institutions and an authentic society of free men.

2.What are your objectives?

a. The active and militant defense of freedom of the press in the Americas and the world.

b. Systematic and compelling claim of freedom of expression and information in all countries of the world.

c. Defense of journalists and citizens persecuted for reasons of opinion, expression and free information on the whole planet. 

d. Continuous training of young journalists who wish to pursue their profession professionally and freely.

e. Report activities against press freedom in the Americas and Europe.

f. Work for more pluralistic, free and democratic journalism around the world.

g. Contribute to the creation of a true network of journalists who actively fight for these values that support the right to freedom of expression and information.

h. Work actively for democracy, freedom and justice in the Americas, denouncing totalitarianism, democratic corruption and the end of our freedoms in many countries.

i. Promote a democratic culture that inspires the new media denouncing submission to established power and the end of the free press.

j. To demonstrate concrete situations that undermine the true spirit of the free, independent, truthful and pluralistic press and in accordance with democratic values and principles.